Canada Immigration Forum

Canada Immigration Forum

Study in Canada

Discuss options of studying in Canada and the process of obtaining a study permit.

I have my Study Permit - timelines for spouse Open Work Permit and child (minor) Dependent Visa, from USA

By: Iswaryadevi Thilak on May 19, 2021 11:25 PM EST
Hi all, I am an international student pursuing Masters in a university in Canada. I do have my study permit and am in Canada. My spouse and child are in the USA. I have applied for their Open Work permit for spouse and dependent visa for my minor child. Their applications have been filed in the USA, on 3rd May 2021. They both received their respective biometric invite letters on 15th May 2021. Does anyone know what's the next process after submitting fingerprints?

I would like to know if anyone has recently (especially during the COVID pandemic) received either their spouse or kid's dependent visa (who are outside of Canada, in particular USA) and how much time did it take. Please let me know.
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