IRCC Minister Addresses Reports of International Student Fraud | MyConsultant

IRCC Minister Addresses Reports of International Student Fraud

International students will get a chance to prove their innocence amid rising concern of fraudulent student visa applications.

Rising concern involving allegations of fraudulent student visa application has proven to have significant consequences for the larger international student community, as hundreds of students face removal orders. Many of these international students came to Canada to pursue their studies but were represented by unscrupulous actors who claimed to be helping them in their immigration journey. As a result, they ended up subjects of removal orders and have been engaging in a string of protests.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has reaffirmed its zero-tolerance policy on fraudulent documents while also remaining committed to ensuring innocent victims are not penalized. The Honourable Sean Fraser, IRCC Minister says Canada will give those international students  an  opportunity to present evidence to support their case. Those who were genuine applicants will be given permission to remain in Canada and will not be subject to the five-year ban that normally follows in cases of misrepresentation. However, those complicit in using fraudulent acceptance letters to take advantage of Canada’s immigration system will be held accountable for their actions and face removal. Fraser has formed a task force to protect and help fraud victims, review imminent deportations, and ensure genuine victims are not penalized.


Sean Fraser on Twitter: "I issued a statement regarding the distressing situation faced by international students with fraudulent acceptance letters. Your well-being remains our priority, and we’re taking action to address this issue. See below for a summary of our measures." / Twitter ‘

Students Will Be Given A Chance To Prove Their Innocence’- Minister Sean Fraser - +1 News (

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