Tips for Crossing the US Border this Holiday Season | MyConsultant

Tips for Crossing the US Border this Holiday Season

Preclearance screening might complicate holiday trips across the US border this holiday season.

American customs officials are now screening Canadian airline passengers bound for the U.S. on the Canadian side, eliminating the need for customs screening on arrival. This means that U.S. customs officers have authority even when they’re in Canada; it’s unclear as to whether or not they will have the authority to detain people, but they will be able to conduct cell phone searches to verify the length of a traveller’s stay or whether or not they’re travelling for work.

In all cases, Canadians travelling to the U.S. should be forthright and be prepared to answer any questions American customs officers may ask. Canadian cannabis legislation means that American customs officers are increasingly asking Canadians about using and growing marijuana. Those who are uncomfortable with the questions may request to withdraw their application for U.S. travel, but it’s up to the officer to discontinue the examination.

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