Need help paying for accreditation, certification or training in Canada? Windmill Microlending can help. | MyConsultant


Need help paying for accreditation, certification or training in Canada? Windmill Microlending can help.

Need help paying for accreditation, certification or training in Canada? Windmill Microlending can help.

A Canadian charity, Windmill Microlending, offers financial support to immigrants and refugees.

A newcomer IT professional wants to complete a Canadian cloud certification course to take the next step in their career.

An internationally-trained nurse wishes to finish a bridge training program to be able to practice in Canada.

A refugee working in supply chain operations seeks to change professions and aspires to study project management to grow their income.

What’s holding immigrants and refugees back from reaching their Canadian dreams? Often, it’s the high cost of studying.

New Canadians sometimes need financial support to pay for the education, training or certification that can help them achieve career success in their new country. This is because training, licensing processes or career development courses in Canada can range in cost from $1,500 to $150,000, depending on the fees for qualifying exams, duration, books, or equipment required.

These costs shouldn’t hold you back from rising to your full career potential. Especially, when investing in your skill development, designation or certification has been shown to grow your income, more than three-times (3.5x).

An affordable way to pay for your studies in Canada

A Canadian charity called Windmill Microlending provides affordable loans, of up to $15,000, exclusively to immigrants and refugees.